ThrillX | UX/UI Design Agency | World Class Digital Products

Increasing qualified leads for The Lion Group by 142%

The Lion Group, an eCommerce accelerator for Fortune 500 firms and fast-growing startups, outgrew its website. We did a full revamp, including conversion-focused design, messaging, and strategy.

Doing a complete A-Z transformation of TLG's site

The Lion Group (TLG) had significantly expanded in revenue
and team size, setting ambitious growth goals and aiming to
strengthen its position in ROI-driven eCommerce services.
They had worked with world-class brands such as Steve
Madden. However, TLG’s website no longer reflected its current scale, capabilities, or the value it offers to clients, with issues in clarity and conversion strategy. We did a complete A-Z transformation of TLG’s website into a visually appealing, high-converting, and user-friendly interface to help them scale their business.


Web (Responsive)


UX/UI Design


Digital Strategy

Web Development


Responsive Web Design

WordPress Development

"They're able to take the vision, take your thoughts, take your ideas, and run with it."

The Results

Increase in qualified leads

Increase in average time on page 

Decrease in bounce rate



Global Design System

The Lion Group’s previous branding, in the eyes of users and its stakeholders, appeared too cheap and tacky. Working with many top companies and Fortune 500 companies, The Lion Group needed a professional and modern aesthetic balanced with some personality and uniqueness to stand out amongst the sea of competitors in the Amazon space. We developed a clean visual identity that leveraged professional darker tones with some light-hearted illustrations throughout the site for that added touch.

Research and Discovery

The Lion Group caters to multiple demographics, including brand owners, manufacturers, distributors, licensees, Amazon Accelerators, and marketing agencies across the world for partnerships. We conducted multiple stakeholder interviews and discovery sessions to understand these customer segments inside and out and to ultimately ensure the final site reflected these perspectives.

Deep-dive into the current state

Before even touching a single pixel of code or design, our team dove deep into the current analytics of The Lion Group. We determined that the majority of traffic was from desktop, while they had a very low session duration and bounce rate. We also analyzed the top-performing and highest-traffic pages to help inform our decision-making later on in the design phase.

Heatmap and scroll map analysis for data-driven insights

We discovered through heatmaps that the hero section of the site was heavily underoptimized. Very few clicks were going to the “Book a Call” cta relative to other elements present on the page, while close to 70% of people never even scrolled past the top fold (the section first visible upon landing). Likewise, we noticed a lot of movement and interaction on elements that weren’t clickable, implying a lack of streamlined design.

User recordings and tests for qualitative feedback

Our team analyzed hundreds of user recordings on the old website to identify usability issues as well as areas of opportunity. Some of the patterns observed included people navigating multiple pages, implying a more intricate user journey to take into account, users skipping through extremely large blocks of content (although valuable), and a lack of motivation to take action to book a call at all stages of the journey.

Inspiration Gathering

The Lion Group leadership team understandably had a difficult time articulating their goals and vision for the new website early on. As part of our detailed discovery and research process, we sat down with the team to pull multiple inspiration pieces from a design, feature, and user-experience perspective. We not only pulled screenshots from competitor websites but also from leading companies outside the industry. This helped everyone align on a cohesive vision that integrated the best elements across various industries.

Low-fi Wireframes

As we do for all custom design projects, our team created a rough mockup of the website in a prototyping tool first before it was developed. This helped The Lion Group team see the layout of the website at every stage and provide feedback iteratively. We also hosted weekly meetings with the team so they could see the mockups converted to full-fledged designs firsthand. It also enabled our internal design team to plan the information architecture, visual hierarchy, and overall design of the site quickly without getting too bogged down in the details, which are more relevant for the development phase.


As soon as you enter the website, you’re presented with a customized video with stats of TLG’s track record that instantly establishes credibility and trust. The video features shots from inside the distribution warehouses where TLG stores its clients’s merchandise to shots in the office of the in-house team collaborating with one another.

As you scroll down the page, you’re presented with several interactive sections that are strategically organized and crafted to tell customers a story as to why they should work with TLG. From featured brand sections showcasing top companies to value-driven sections speaking directly to the end customer, the homepage was designed with conversions at the heart of its strategy.

Every headline on the page written by our in-house copywriters was designed to speak to the deeper pain points and motivations of TLG’s customers. 

Services Page

Services was the second-highest-viewed page following the homepage, making it crucial for our team to nail it down. Rather than just listing all of the services The Lion Group offered flat out like every other website, we drilled down on the core value proposition, which was the end-to-end aspect of TLG’s services. We knew from the research phase that the core USP of TLG’s services was helping clients in every aspect of their business and anything in-between. They had a dual model that needed to be effectively communicated, which we did through engaging design and copy.

About Page

There are thousands of other eCommerce accelerators on the market. What separated TLG was that they had a fully in-house team and experts in every stage of the product lifecycle. TLG also had an amazing culture of being “cautious yet bold” and pushing the limits to help their clients achieve results. We collaborated diligently with TLG to ensure that the About page reflected all of these qualities to not only attract potential prospects but also future employees joining a great organization.

Mobile Design

With 40% of users viewing the website on mobile, ensuring the mobile experience was as good as the desktop was essential. We created mobile specific designs and style guides in Figma that made hand-off to our internal development team seamless.

Case Studies Page

The Lion Group had worked with world-class brands such as Steve Madden, Disney, Ralph Lauren, and Marvel. However, their website didn’t effectively convey all of these amazing brands and the significant results TLG delivered for them. We focused on creating a hub for all case studies that was easy for the TLG team to update and maintain post-launch as they continue to grow their impressive client roster.

Resources Page

As The Lion Group looked to position the new website as a thought leadership hub and way to attract new clients outside of referrals and existing relationships, the resources page was crucial to nail down. We created a scalable page that featured several speaking opportunities TLG was on, from podcasts to conferences, as well as thought leadership in the form of blog posts that were lacking on the previous site. This page was designed to be extremely easy to update for TLG’s team so that it could continue to grow as the business did.

Helping The Lion Group attract new partnerships like never before

The final product of the TLG website was a masterful balance of conversion-focused messaging and design, thought leadership and interactive video testimonials to build credibility and trust, and finally beautiful design and aesthetics to amplify those results.

Scale your business faster with proven strategies

Whether you need help developing your first MVP, proceeding from concept to financing, building a website or digital product, or scaling your business, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch and we’ll show you how we can help you reach your business goals.