ThrillX | UX/UI Design Agency | World Class Digital Products

Digital products your customers will love

We believe everyone deserves an exceptional user experience. It makes all the difference between good products and great ones. We create memorable enterprise and consumer products that are used and loved by thousands of people worldwide.

98% customer retention

We work with mature market leaders as well as rocket-fueled growth companies. Our experience spans all major verticals because great ideas can live anywhere. 

We transform abstract ideas into concrete design solutions

Whether you’re starting from just an idea, looking to secure funding for your new product, or redesigning your digital product to increase profitability, we’ve got you covered. We address complex problem statements & turn them into holistic experiences through our user-centric design process.

Driving growth and success through user experience design

We specialize in crafting high quality UX/UI design experiences that help you shine in a sea of competitors. We’ve done everything from redesigning enterprise software to building ideas from the ground up.

Increasing Scrubby's NPS by 18 through a dashboard redesign

Scrubby’s main digital product used by thousands of customers was lacking solid UX/UI optimization and had low engagement across the board. Our team performed led the end-to-end strategy, research, and design process.

increase in NPS

Increase in revenue
Increase in time on page

Helping Smokeland through data-driven UX/UI design and CRO

Smokeland is a CBD Delivery service based in Oakland, California. We helped them with full-suite data-driven design including conducting user-tests, performing thorough heatmap analysis, and optimizing its UX end-to-end to drive substantial incremental sales.
Increase in conversions
Increase in average order value
increase in time on page

Taply - the most powerful no code app builder

Taply is a powerful iOS & Android mobile app builder that helps companies build high converting apps. With a natural alignment of goals and mission, ThrillX partnered with Taply to completely design and develop their website, internal dashboard system, and mobile app.
Increase monthly active subscriptions
Customer approval rating
Increase in conversions

And more…

Detailed discovery and business strategy

Our first step is to really get to know your business, what you want to achieve, and your goals for the project. We’ll do this by holding workshops with your different teams, from product development and marketing to sales and data analysis, and more.

We often come across businesses that think they know what their value prop is but it’s not derived from customer research. We discover the core strengths of your business and identify potential opportunities and threats. We’ll help you understand what sets your business apart and strategize effectively for the future.

If you already have a product, we’ll review it to see how well it meets your business needs and project objectives. Our evaluation covers usability, clarity, how easy it is to complete tasks, the design elements used, and more. We’ll provide a prioritization matrix that ranks changes based on their impact and the effort required to implement them.

It’s crucial to know the other players in the market and their value propositions to define your competitive edge. We conduct deep levels of competitor analysis to identify hidden opportunities or gaps as well as what others are already doing well at in your industry.

Through a combination of user interviews and analytics, we will develop a picture of who your users are, and what needs and goals they have.

We get deep to understand your audience segments

We will develop personas based on broad customer archetypes who are most likely to use your product. Going further than just who your users are, we’ll outline their user stories—detailing how and why they use your product. This process will highlight all interaction points, and help identify potential pain points and opportunities.

Based on the insights from our design research, we start to organize, structure, and label content effectively. A well-designed information architecture simplifies the process for users to locate information and accomplish tasks.”

By now, we’ve identified every feature that needs to be added or updated. However, determining the sequence for addressing these features is equally crucial. We use a prioritization matrix as an objective tool to set these priorities.

In this matrix, each feature is placed based on its estimated value (the benefit it offers to the user or your business) and the effort required (the resources your organization needs to implement the feature). Features in the upper-left quadrant are Quick Wins—the low-hanging fruit that should be tackled first. Features in the lower-right quadrant are Time Sinks—projects that should be set aside or delayed.

Following the feature prioritization, we will develop a detailed design roadmap for the project. This roadmap outlines the design tasks for each two-week sprint, giving you a clear understanding of what will be completed and when. Designed as a dynamic document, the roadmap will adapt to reflect changing priorities over time.

UX/UI Design

Wireframes act as skeleton mock-ups to outline key screen/page layouts and interactions. By focusing on key interactions at the wireframe level, we eliminate the influence of visual aesthetics, allowing us to concentrate solely on optimizing the user journey and get your feedback iteratively so you’re updated every step of the way.

The visual design of the interface is our initial chance to attract new users. Utilizing insights from the discovery phase, we create a beautiful, engaging, and user-friendly interface that embodies the brand’s tone.

Effective, user-friendly products consider how elements interact with each other. We will also explore how incorporating motion and animation can enhance the user experience and bring your product to life.

We view users as essential contributors to the design process. Through user testing, we gather insights that stakeholders or project team members might not provide. Beyond usability testing and interviews, we involve users in reviewing wireframes and conducting user acceptance testing (UAT) to collect valuable feedback.

We design and test clickable prototypes that are development ready. We’re able to validate hypotheses and uncover new questions, pain points, or opportunities using the prototype well before the solutions go to market as part of our iterative improvement process.

Human-centered UI/UX product design services

We’ve designed for all platforms under the sun. We’ve also helped companies at every stage of the product lifecycle from early phase to mature enterprises wanting to grow their digital presence.
Mobile, wearable, tablet

We create human centric mobile/dashboard designs and experiences that are intuitive, fast and delightful for your users.

Desktop and web apps

Your website is the most important channel to showcase your brand to customers. We’ve designed countless high-converting sites to give users the best experience possible.

Responsive apps

Mobile apps are a crucial part of your customers’ digital experience. Take advantage of this prime real estate by crafting native app designs that provide top-notch user experiences.

Design your first MVP

We’ve supported countless startups and companies in creating solid MVPs, catching the eye of investors, securing funding, and launching successful new ventures.

Extend your design team

Whether you need temporary support or long-term collaboration, we’re here to seamlessly integrate with your existing team and bring fresh expertise to your projects.

Redesign your product

Our team can help revamp your digital product from top to bottom, from how it looks to how it works, making sure it performs better and hits all your KPIs.

Trusted in over 50+ industries

Lets design something special

Whether you need help from a huge redesign, developing your first MVP, proceeding from concept to financing, or scaling your business, we’ve got you covered. Our method is tailored to your specific requirements and designed to help you smash your business goals.