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Helping Fritz generate 164% more leads through a website redesign

Fritz is a staffing agency specializing in placing skilled tradespeople. We developed an interactive site with improved messaging, design, and elements that drove substantially more business.

Helping Fritz position itself as an industry leader

Fritz Staffing Group was started by an industrial contractor who wanted to improve the industry. They specialize in staffing jobs with very experienced craftsmen like Electricians, Millwrights, Plumbers, Welders, Pipefitters, Plumbers, and Carpenters, etc. However, the website wasn’t conveying this powerful message and unique competitive advantage. We worked with Fritz to create an interactive website that truly reflected their brand.


Web (Responsive)



UX/UI Design

Digital Strategy

Web Development


Responsive Web Design

We had many goals, and ThrillX hit the nail on the head on all of them. Before, we weren’t getting much outreach outside of text messages. We now get 30-70 leads daily reaching out to us through the website.

Nick Wagner

Managing Member at Fritz Staffing Group

The Results

Increase in qualified leads

Increase in time on page

Decrease in bounce rate



Design Exploration

As part of the redesign process, Fritz sought help refining its brand identity and visual aesthetic. We explored multiple color and typography combinations to help convey the brand values of trust, authenticity, and human connection. We ultimately landed on a combination that balanced professionalism with a friendly personality.

Global Design System

Fritz’s brand was built on trust and relationship-building. After all, the staffing and recruitment business is built on human-to-human interaction. Thus, the new branding of the site needed to feel authentic, trustworthy, and professional. Fritz wanted to be taken seriously by prospective customers as a powerhouse in the industry. The new brand identity focused on an upscale typography while using darker blue tones to invoke trust. We used Fritz’s logo throughout the site to bring some personality to the site and separate it from what’s perceived as a “boring industry.”

Research and Discovery

Fritz primarily serves the construction and blue-collar industries. However, they have aspirations to eventually expand into other industries as well. We conducted multiple stakeholder interviews and discovery sessions to understand these customer segments inside and out and to ultimately ensure the final site reflected these perspectives.

Low-fi Wireframes

As we do for all custom design projects, our team created a rough mockup of the website in a prototyping tool first before it was developed. This helped the Fritz Staffing team see the layout of the website at every stage and provide feedback iteratively. We also hosted weekly meetings with the team so they could see the mockups converted to full-fledged designs firsthand. It also enabled our internal design team to plan the information architecture, visual hierarchy, and overall design of the site quickly without getting too bogged down in the details, which are more relevant for the development phase.


As soon as you land on the homepage, you’re presented with a clean hero-section banner with social proof to immediately build trust above the fold. You’re presented with a compelling CTA to find talent fast and an interactive ticker showcasing the number of man hours completed, highlighting the safety and track record of Fritz Staffing. 

As you scroll down the page, you’re presented with even more stats, building credibility with prospects. This is followed by several value prop sections highlighting various USP’s of Fritz. 

The page features multiple interactive and CRO-focused elements to keep the user engaged at every step of the journey. 

Services Page

Services was the second-highest-viewed page following the homepage, making it crucial for our team to nail it down. Rather than just listing all of the services The Lion Group offered flat out like every other website, we drilled down on the core benefit that Fritz Staffing provides its customers. The page once again features multiple conversion-focused elements like video testimonials, featured brand partnerships, and FAQs to reduce any fear or uncertainty.

Mobile Design

With 40% of users viewing the website on mobile, ensuring the mobile experience was as good as the desktop was essential. We created mobile specific designs and style guides in Figma that made hand-off to our internal development team seamless.

About Page

The recruiting and staffing industry is not necessarily known to be the most exciting industry in the world. Looking at other competitors in the space, very few had websites that showcased their team members and personalities. We wanted to invoke that on the about page while still balancing that sense of professionalism. The page features interactive sections, a message from the founder, stats, and more casual, fun photos of the team.

Careers Page

Fritz Staffing serves two unique audiences: employers and employees. On the old site, there was no central place for employees to reach out about job opportunities until the revamped site. The careers page not only highlights the end-to-end career matching process and what people can expect, but it also has a centralized job listing board that is kept up-to-date with any opportunities.

Contact Page

The contact page on a B2B website is often the most overlooked section. This is, in fact, one of the most critical areas and the lowest-hanging fruit for conversions. You spend all of the effort getting people here, only to have a handful leave the page. We mitigated this through conversion fundamentals like highlighting stats to push people over the edge, a benefit-driven headline (“Find Talent Fast”), 2-3 benefits of what people can expect if they fill out the form, etc.

Helping Fritz build a lead-generating machine

The new Fritz website has allowed the organization to rapidly scale its digital marketing efforts and explore new opportunities for growth outside of just referrals and networking. Fritz has since opened up channels like outbound sales, where prospects landing on the site are now way more motivated to reach out due to the enhanced copywriting our team wrote.

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Whether you need help developing your first MVP, proceeding from concept to financing, building a website or digital product, or scaling your business, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch and we’ll show you how we can help you reach your business goals.