ThrillX | UX/UI Design Agency | World Class Digital Products

Helping Scrubby increase conversions by 134% and traffic by 9X

Scrubby, a leading email validation tool used by small businesses, enterprises, and lead generation agencies, needed a website overhaul to reflect its innovative services. We revamped the website with a focus on conversion-driven design, compelling messaging, and strategic improvements to enhance the user experience and drive growth for Scrubby.

Increasing sign-ups, traffic, and revenue

Scrubby approached us in need of a design and UX refresh. We performed a deep-dive website and Conversion Rate Optimization audit, uncovering several areas for improvement with design recommendations. After redesigning its website, Scrubby saw a 300% increase in traffic, a 40% increase in sign-ups, and an increase in average session duration from 50 seconds to 2 minutes and 30 seconds.


Web (Responsive)


UX/UI Design

Conversion Rate Optimization
Digital Strategy


Responsive Web Design

UX/UI Design Audit

The Results


Increase in conversions


Increase in organic monthly traffic

Increase time on page

SEO Optimization post-launch

Through our SEO work, Scrubby saw a 101.6% increase in total impressions and 72.4% increase in clicks.

Research and Discovery

For, our research and discovery process involved several key steps to understand their diverse customer segments. We began by conducting in-depth interviews with stakeholders, including small business owners, marketing executives from large enterprises, and lead generation experts from agencies. These interviews helped us uncover the unique goals, motivations, and pain points of each audience. Additionally, we conducted market research and competitive analysis to gain a deeper understanding of the industry landscape. This included studying the LinkedIn outreach strategies of competitors and identifying areas where could differentiate itself and provide added value to its customers.

Deep-dive into the current state

In order to better understand how users interact with the website, we compiled an overview of the main KPIs that helped drive all of our decisions for the redesign. Some high-level insights included the fact that the majority of traffic was from desktops, representing 76% of users. The average engagement time on the website was less than half the industry average of 52 seconds. Lastly, they had a very low engagement rate of only 42% on desktop and 32% on mobile.

Analyzing user recordings to identify patterns

Our team analyzed hundreds of user recordings on the old website to identify usability issues as well as areas of opportunity. Some of the patterns observed included multiple dead clicks on elements that appeared clickable but were in fact not, users getting frustrated around the pricing portion of the website, having to constantly scroll up to access the navigation menu even though it was a 1 page site (each menu item scrolled you down), etc.

Full Data-Driven Audit

As with all websites we do, the first several weeks of our engagement were purely dedicated to a deep dive data audit. We set up a series of heatmaps, scrollmaps, and clickmaps on high-traffic pages to determine areas of opportunity to increase conversions.

Maximizing above the fold

1) The headline lacked a clear value prop of “what’s in it for me” and what the core value prop of Scrubby was, leading to drop-off.
2) There was no way of immediately reducing FUDs (fear, uncertainty, doubts) and building instant trust to motivate users to further engage with the website near the critical action point of signing up.
3) 84% of users reached this point (16% drop-off). This is the average fold which is the average portion of the website that is visible to users without having to scroll down.

4) At this stage, 75% of users reached this point with a noticeable 25% drop-off. Key opportunity was how do we motivate users to continue scrolling down to other critical sections of the site.

More intuitive navigation experience

1) 8.18% of users clicked straight onto pricing from the top upon landing on the website without having any other context of the value proposition outside of the header. A potential issue and conversion blocker was that upon users clicking on one of the items and getting taken down to a section of the page, they had to scroll all the way back up just to get to another section. This was demonstrated in several user recordings. This isn’t an optimal user experience considering that the website is just one page in total. Users who scroll down to pricing and don’t have enough information to convert (skipping all of how it works, why verify, etc) may just bounce and exit from the website.

2) Since people go straight to pricing, we had to be strategic about the information that is above and below that section to maximize conversions. Other pages visited are Other pages visited are How It Works and FAQ.

Lack of opportunities to convert

1) In the screenshots, these were click maps that represented areas where users clicked on the website. There was a substantial amount of movement and clicks on several key sections of the website. Namely, the how it works section, the why verify section, etc.

2) If a user did not convert at the top of the website where the primary CTA is, there were no other opportunities for them to convert in their user journey outside of the pricing section at the bottom of the page.

Optimizing the Pricing Experience

1) Lots of clicks and movement registered around the Growth Plan box rather than the primary call to action button itself (Get 100 Free Credits).
2) Heatmaps indicated a lot of clicks and movement around the pricing and credits area. Several recordings showcased users thinking that they could click on the individual credits from the table rather than going with the growth plan. The assumption was that people thought the comparison table was a place where they could buy a specific number of credits for a specific amount, despite the table being primarily informational in nature. The first three credit options in particular (1k, 5k, and 50k) had the highest amount of movement and clicks, implying that users may have wanted to purchase a custom amount of credits.

Improved hero-section

1) Headline conveys ‘safety’ aspect combined with scale for added persuasion. Subheader clearly conveys the pain point that users experience while positioning as the ideal solution and fix. Value proposition now answers ‘what’s in it for me’ and adding the word ‘only’ conveys the unique competitive advantage.

2) Changing CTA to ‘Try it Free (100 Emails’) is more direct, actionable, and benefit-oriented than ‘Get 100 Free Credits’ (users don’t know what credits are at this stage of the site). Add microcopy underneath to reduce fear, uncertainty, and doubts of users.

3) Social proof of logos added within the visible fold of the website to build immediate trust with users upon landing. Adding an additional row of logos is more powerful as social proof works best when used at scale.

4) A picture is worth a thousand words. Similar to competitor websites, introducing a relevant picture of your software can help users visualize what they are signing up for and can expect while also subtly communicating your value proposition.

Enhanced Navigation Menu

New navigation bar includes the following:

– Made the navigation bar ‘sticky’ so that it scrolls down with the user as they navigate on the website to fix issues identified earlier
– Cleaned up navigational items based on most-clicked and put blog
and testimonials under ‘Resources’ dropdown.
– Primary focus of the website should be on conversions and signups. Putting this in its own separate section of the navigation bar separate from everything else allows it to be emphasized while also having log in and contact as secondary actions.
– Made navigation full-width to allow for added real estate.

Optimizing the Pricing Experience

We designed and implemented two different plans, one plan which was a monthly subscription and the other which was a one-time fee for a custom amount of credits. Competitors such as Zerobounce implement this strategy and our assumption was through the click map and heatmap data was that users wanted more flexibility in the pricing options available.

Global Design System

For, our goal was to create a website that reflected the premium nature of their services. To achieve this, we conducted a thorough analysis of their brand and target audience. We discovered that their audience values efficiency, reliability, and professionalism. With this in mind, we chose a color scheme that reflected these qualities. The primary color, a deep, sophisticated blue, conveys trust and reliability. We complemented this with accents of vibrant green, symbolizing growth and efficiency. We also added several custom illustrations to the page to breathe life into the site.

Enhancing the Sign-Up Experience

1) The old website asked people for credit card information as the first step before other personal information. This gives people the impression that the primary intention of signing up is to collect payment rather than provide a valuable service. Users are significantly less likely to give away credit card information as one of the first steps in creating an account. They are much more likely to give away less valuable information, such as their name, company name, etc. We quickly switched the two steps around.
2) The sweet point for form conversions is 4 fields or less. HubSpot found by conducting a study that conversion rates increased by almost 50% when reducing the # of form fields from 4 to 3. A low-hanging fruit to simplify the sign-up experience and reduce the # of form fields is combining first name and last name into one form field that reads ‘Full Name’.
3) Sign-up forms that include mandatory phone number fields can reduce conversion rates by up to 52%. Is a phone number absolutely necessary to collect in the sign-up procedure?

Enhanced Messaging

Rather than the header stating, ‘What do people do with their risky emails?” make the copy more actionable and benefit-focused. The new copy uses the contrast principle, which introduces the problem (‘stop wasting your risky emails’) and closes with the solution (‘unlock 42% more leads with validation’).

Service Page

Scrubby’s website features a user-friendly interface with easy navigation, providing visitors with a seamless experience. The homepage showcases the company’s email validation services prominently, emphasizing the benefits of using their tool to improve email deliverability rates. The layout is clean and professional, with engaging visuals and clear calls to action.

Feature Page

The feature page not only provides detailed information about its email validation tool but also stands out for its visually appealing design. The page features stunning illustrations that add personality and vibrancy to the content, making it more engaging for visitors. This was followed by hyper-benefit-driven copy that pulled people in and motivated them to take action.

Helping transform Scrubby's business model

Scrubby quickly went from purely relying on cold outbound to gradually building a thought leadership hub in-house on their website and SEO optimized pages that brought them substantial traffic, leads, and revenue. They ranked on the first page of Google for keywords in a matter of weeks through our work.

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