ThrillX | UX/UI Design Agency | World Class Digital Products

How we more than DOUBLED Wild Man Drinking's conversion rate

Wild Man Drinking’s viral social media videos drew millions of views and substantial traffic, but their e-commerce site faced low conversion rates. Through ongoing CRO, including several A/B tests and custom landing pages, we increased conversions by 194%, RPV by 92%, and AOV by 42%.

Data-Driven Approach to Improving Conversions by 194%

We redesigned WMDC’s website and continue working with them on a Conversion Rate Optimization engagement. Our process involved both qualitative and quantitative research methods, leveraging tools such as heatmaps, user recordings, and surveys to gain a better understanding of how users were interacting with the website. This allowed us to identify areas for improvement, conversion blockers, and make data-driven decisions. Throughout several hours of strategy work and research, we were able to implement a number of changes to the website, leading to a substantial increase in all major KPIs.


Web (Responsive)


UX/UI Design

User Research
Conversion Rate Optimization
Digital Strategy
Brand Identity
Shopify Development


Responsive Web Design

Shopify Development
Flexible Component Library

"We've more than doubled our conversion rate working with them. They have really allowed us to scale."

The Results

Increase in overall conversion rates
Increase in revenue per user
Increase in average order value

Deep-dive into the current state

Before even touching a single pixel of code or design, our team dove deep into the current analytics of Wild Man Drinking. We discovered that the majority of users were on mobile, and the bounce rate was very high while the session duration was low. The main area of opportunity was driving more people to add to the cart while also getting people to actually engage and scroll on the site, as the majority were bouncing immediately due to a poor value proposition.

Conducting several user-tests (volume up)

We interviewed WMDC’s exact target demographic to collect direct customer feedback. We identified a whopping 30-35 usability issues PER VIDEO that substantially informed our final design decisions. Some of these included the fact that people thought the website looked like a ‘dropshipping store’ even though it was a patent-approved in-house product, that people found the cart experience frustrating, and that there was a lot of fear and uncertainty around the price of the product and whether it was “legit”.

Watching hundreds of user recordings to identify patterns

Our team analyzed hundreds of user recordings on the website to identify usability issues as well as areas of opportunity. Some of the patterns observed included people not scrolling past the price upon seeing it due to sticker shock, very low engagement across the board due to a lack of trust being built early, etc.

Full Data-Driven Audit

Our team had an early start, watching heatmaps and user recordings to gather critical data. We were able to immediately identify major trends, opportunities for quick wins, and potential pitfalls of the current website user experience. Our team worked quickly to categorize these issues into groups, record observations, collaboratively brainstorm a wide array of solutions, and implement them fast to capitalize on the virality that WMDC was receiving as they have a whopping 1 billion + views on social media.

Gathering Insights Through Surveys

We set up multiple surveys at critical points of the user journey to capture important insights that served as the basis for future decisions. We aimed to align the survey questions with the main business goals and KPIs, including conversion rates, AOV, customer satisfaction, etc. Each survey question was designed to pull both qualitative and quantitative data. We deployed a total of 6 surveys (including tailored experiences for mobile versus desktop).

Quantitative and Qualitative Insights

We uncovered insightful quantitative and qualitative data that helped drive all of our future tests such as: -> Solves spills and mess with using a key, knife, or thumb ranked as #1 reason for people to buy followed by it being a fun product -> 29% of people relied on product videos and images on the website as their motivation purchasing factor -> Qualitative data to describe customer’s pain points in using existing solutions to shotgun drinks

-> Solves spills and mess with using a key, knife, or thumb ranked as #1 reason for people to buy followed by it being a fun product

-> 29% of people relied on product videos and images on the website as their motivation purchasing factor

-> Qualitative data to describe customer’s pain points in using existing solutions to shotgun drinks

Review Mining

Something that makes us unique from other Conversion Optimization agencies is the level of in-depth research we do about our client’s customer bases.  We conducted a review mining exercise where we pulled all of the thousands of reviews off of Amazon and the website, compiling them into one central spreadsheet. Our team then categorized all of the reviews by whether they reflected motivation, anxiety, or value. This was followed by grouping the type of message and also determining the main topic of the message. Lastly, we conducted a pivot table analysis from the data to determine what the most frequently mentioned topics were so that we could infuse this back into our copy as well as inform all of our future A/B testing hypotheses. 

Top Performing A/B Tests

We conducted a multitude of A/B tests, landing page tests, multivariant tests, and even post-purchase upsells / cross-sells. Below are some of the top performing tests that generated millions of dollars in incremental revenue.

Eliminating Decision Paralysis

Through HotJar user recordings, we observed users hesitating to choose one of five different bundle options on the Krak’in product page, often exiting the site without making a decision or opting for a lower-priced option. Our research revealed that presenting too many options could lead to decision paralysis, or the Paradox of Choice. To test this hypothesis, we conducted an A/B test where we reduced the number of options from five to three. The result was a 53% increase in conversions and a 13.5% increase in average order value within the first two weeks of working with WMDC.
increase in conversions
increase in AOV
increase in RPV



A/B Test #2 - Bringing up the Average Fold

To increase conversions, we focused on optimizing the ‘above the fold’ area of the e-commerce store by eliminating redundancies and maximizing information display. Initially, users were only shown the first bundle option, resulting in a large drop-off as they were deterred by the product price. By making changes such as removing the sticky header navigation menu, redundant dropdown menus on product pages, and the ‘shipping calculated at checkout’ message while tightening up spacing, users were able to see both the first and second bundle options upon landing on the site. This drove higher conversions, as the discounted price implied that the product was not as expensive as originally perceived.
increase in conversions



Pricing and Offer Test

People hate doing math, especially in the context of a website where people’s attention spans are lower than ever before. To make the buying decision easier, we A/B tested a pricing strategy that communicates the savings in the headline (“Save X”) and also decreased the price of the 3-pack slightly so that there was not such a huge delta between the 1-pack. This not only led to an increase in conversions but also the average order value as more people started ordering the 3-pack as opposed to the 1-pack.
increase in conversions
increase in RPV
increase in ATC



Testing Different Custom Landing Pages​

We believe in full-funnel CRO. This means that CRO is not just limited to A/B testing. We want to go for big swing changes that will really move the needle. Based on the insights, research, and vast amount of data we collected, we created a custom product page to A/B test against the original version. We saw a substantial increase in several key metrics.
increase in conversions
increase in RPV
Increase in added products



Video Review Test

In our user tests, people expressed that we were “relying too much on the website to sell rather than on our customers.” Another user said the site looks “too much like an ad.” Based on this, we devised the hypothesis that adding video reviews right above the price of people using the product rather than just images would help increase trust and, subsequently, conversions. That hypothesis proved to be correct, with a substantial increase in revenue at 98% statistical significance.
increase in conversions

increase in RPV


increase in AOV



Above The Fold Test

The above-the-fold part of the website is arguably the most critical, as 100% of users will see it. Many users said in user tests that the page was too busy and they didn’t know what to focus on. That led us to investigate our heatmaps further. Only 65% of people reach product bundle sections. Our hypothesis is that this could be attributed to the above-the-fold experience. In our A/B test, we tightened up the ATF with smaller logos, and we changed the bullet points of text into scannable icons (since people don’t read, they scan).
increase in conversions

increase in RPV



Post-Purchase Upsell Testing

As part of our full-funnel CRO strategy, we also conducted post-purchase testing for WMDC. Specifically, we tested a single Krak’in offer versus a 2-pack for 50% off. This proved to be very effective in increasing revenue and AOV.
boost in post-purchase revenue



Helping Wild Man Drinking Dominate Amazon

Our agency helped Wild Man Drinking establish a strong presence on Amazon by designing all the custom product photos/graphics shown below that addressed the functional, emotional, and social aspects of its products. We also provided Amazon SEO services to help drive revenue through their listing. As a result, Wild Man Drinking was able to dominate the Amazon marketplace and achieve significant growth in its sales.

Revamping Wild Man Drinking’s Email Marketing

We redesigned Wild Man Drinking’s email marketing strategy by building collateral through Klaviyo’s editor, using behavioral science and psychology to motivate purchases. With a focus on conversions, we created email flows like a welcome series, abandoned cart sequence, and abandoned checkout flow, using incentives to maximize results. The result was significant growth in email marketing campaigns and increased sales for Wild Man Drinking.

Helping WMDC capitalize on virality and traffic

Our agency worked as a full-service digital strategic partner for Wild Man Drinking, providing a comprehensive suite of services beyond just redesigning their website and conducting a long-term conversion rate optimization engagement. From helping them obtain more reviews to dominating Amazon from scratch and revamping all of their digital marketing efforts, we worked collaboratively with them to drive significant growth and establish them as a leader in their industry. Wild Man Drinking was able to achieve measurable success and continued growth in their business.

Scale your business faster with proven strategies

Whether you need help developing your first MVP, proceeding from concept to financing, building a website or digital product, or scaling your business, we’ve got you covered. Get in touch and we’ll show you how we can help you reach your business goals.